2009年12月2日 星期三


宿便-你所不知道的可怕真相! 真相一:現代人的消化速度超級慢!人吃進的食物經過消化道到排泄大約需要8~12小時,但 discovery頻道
1. 宿便會阻礙營養吸收,也壓迫小腸絨毛的活力及彈性。
或基本套餐,養份還是無法真正吸收到, 宿便不常排出或有便秘的成員,
你每月消費的健康品可就發揮不了最大的效果了。 2... 宿便脹氣發酵後,會經由血液致病。小腸內的宿便,一旦發酵、脹氣後,所產生的化學毒素會污染血液,進而逐漸循環全身,終致造成酸毒症(acidosis),
同時會加重肝、腎、皮膚三大排毒器官的負擔。 常疲勞、腳底痛、感覺睡不飽,或許就是 宿便 先生造成的哦! 3. 宿便會不知不覺讓身材變形。即使你體內有滿滿的
更是產生肥胖的重要因素。 相信大家常看到四五十多歲的男性朋友小腹撐起,
怎麼減也減不下來吧,這類的人,小腸中至少藏有 十公斤 左右的宿便,真可謂是「宿便男」、「大便爸爸」或是「便便人」! 如何因應宿便的問題
纖維素是清洗腸道的最佳營養素,這是很重要的, 因為人體有70%的免疫系統都在腸道中抵禦細茵或病毒的攻擊, 只要腸道顧好,人體可以避免掉

自己與家人每天最好也一起執行以下的建議,幫身體排毒兼減肥:(1) 每天步行10000步,需要一步一步算嗎?
不用,一天就是散步走一小時路就對了(2) 早上一起床,請喝500cc的溫開水,每天至少要喝2000cc的開水
( 3 ) 每天一定要吃五到九種蔬果,不同顏色最好。 一週一次的一公斤排毒餐:若無法每天為自己及家人小孩的身體進行排毒,
建議可以一週一次,吃 一公斤 排毒餐。照醫生的說法,週末1公斤 宿便排毒餐的原理,
週五晚上:250克 優酪乳+ 500克 地瓜(蒸熟連皮吃)+蘋果2個
  週六晚上:250克 優酪乳+ 500克 地瓜(蒸熟連皮吃)

2009年10月20日 星期二

上補習班 ??

文╱洪蘭 國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授兼所長







Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias 文章分享

Everyone, from the youngest child to the oldest adult, experiences anxieties and fears at one time or another. Feeling anxious in a particularly uncomfortable situation never feels very good. However, with kids, such feelings are not only normal, they're also necessary. Experiencing and dealing with anxieties can prepare young people to handle the unsettling experiences and challenging situations of life.

Anxieties and Fears Are Normal

Anxiety is defined as "apprehension without apparent cause." It usually occurs when there's no immediate threat to a person's safety or well being, but the threat feels real.

Anxiety makes someone want to escape the situation — fast. The heart beats quickly, the body might begin to perspire, and "butterflies" in the stomach soon follow. However, a little bit of anxiety can actually help people stay alert and focused.

Having fears or anxieties about certain things can also be helpful because it makes kids behave in a safe way. For example, a kid with a fear of fire would avoid playing with matches.

The nature of anxieties and fears change as kids grow and develop:

  • Babies experience stranger anxiety, clinging to parents when confronted by people they don't recognize.
  • Toddlers around 10 to 18 months old experience separation anxiety, becoming emotionally distressed when one or both parents leave.
  • Kids ages 4 through 6 have anxiety about things that aren't based in reality, such as fears of monsters and ghosts.
  • Kids ages 7 through 12 often have fears that reflect real circumstances that may happen to them, such as bodily injury and natural disaster.

As kids grow, one fear may disappear or replace another. For example, a child who couldn't

sleep with the light off at age 5 may enjoy a ghost story at a slumber party years later. And some fears may extend only to one particular kind of stimulus. In other words, a child may want to pet a lion at the zoo but wouldn't dream of going near the neighbor's dog.

Signs of Anxiety

Typical childhood fears change with age. They include fear of strangers, heights, darkness, animals, blood, insects, and being left alone. Kids often learn to fear a specific object or situation after having an unpleasant experience, such as a dog bite or an accident.

Separation anxiety is common when young children are starting school, whereas adolescents may experience anxiety related to social acceptance and academic achievement.

If anxious feelings persist, they can take a toll on a child's sense of well being. The anxiety associated with social avoidance can have long-term effects. For example, a child with fear of being rejected can fail to learn important social skills, causing social isolation.

Many adults are tormented by fears that stem from childhood experiences. An adult's fear of public speaking may be the result of embarrassment in front of peers many years before. It's important for parents to recognize and identify the signs and symptoms of kids' anxieties so that fears don't get in the way of everyday life.

Some signs that a child may be anxious about something may include:

  • becoming clingy, impulsive, or distracted
  • nervous movements, such as temporary twitches
  • problems getting to sleep and/or staying asleep longer than usual
  • sweaty hands
  • accelerated heart rate and breathing
  • nausea
  • headaches
  • stomachaches

Apart from these signs, parents can usually tell when their child is feeling excessively uneasy about something. Lending a sympathetic ear is always helpful, and sometimes just talking about the fear can help a child move beyond it.

What's a Phobia?

When anxieties and fears persist, problems can arise. As much as a parent hopes the child will grow out of it, sometimes the opposite occurs, and the cause of the anxiety looms larger and becomes more prevalent. The anxiety becomes a phobia, or a fear that's extreme, severe, and persistent.

A phobia can be very difficult to tolerate, both for kids and those around them, especially if the anxiety-producing stimulus (whatever is causing the anxiety) is hard to avoid (e.g., thunderstorms).

"Real" phobias are one of the top reasons children are referred to mental health professionals. But the good news is that unless the phobia hinders the everyday ability to function, the child sometimes won't need treatment by a professional because, in time, the phobia will be resolved.

Focusing on Anxieties, Fears, or Phobias

Try to answer the following questions honestly:

Is your child's fear and behavior related to it typical for your child's age?

If the answer to this question is yes, it's a good bet that your child's fears will resolve before they become a serious cause for concern. This isn't to say that the anxiety should be discounted or ignored; rather, it should be considered as a factor in your child's normal development.

Many kids experience age-appropriate fears, such as being afraid of the dark. Most, with some reassurance and perhaps a night-light, will overcome or outgrow it. However, if they continue to have trouble or there's anxiety about other things, the intervention may have to be more intensive.

What are the symptoms of the fear, and how do they affect your child's personal, social, and academic functioning? If symptoms can be identified and considered in light of your child's everyday activities, adjustments can be made to alleviate some of the stress factors.

Does the fear seem unreasonable in relation to the reality of the situation; and could it be a sign of a more serious problem? If your child's fear seems out of proportion to the cause of the stress, this may signal the need to seek outside help, such as a counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist.

Parents should look for patterns. If an isolated incident is resolved, don't make it more significant than it is. But if a pattern emerges that's persistent or pervasive, you should take action. If you don't, the phobia is likely to continue to affect your child.

Contact your doctor and/or a mental health professional who has expertise in working with kids and adolescents.

Helping Your Child

Parents can help kids develop the skills and confidence to overcome fears so that they don't evolve into phobic reactions.

To help your child deal with fears and anxieties:

  • Recognize that the fear is real. As trivial as a fear may seem, it feels real to your child and it's causing him or her to feel anxious and afraid. Being able to talk about fears helps — words often take some of the power out of the negative feeling. If you talk about it, it can become less powerful.
  • Never belittle the fear as a way of forcing your child to overcome it. Saying, "Don't be ridiculous! There are no monsters in your closet!" may get your child to go to bed, but it won't make the fear go away.
  • Don't cater to fears, though. If your child doesn't like dogs, don't cross the street deliberately to avoid one. This will just reinforce that dogs should be feared and avoided. Provide support and gentle care as you approach the feared object or situation with your child.
  • Teach kids how to rate fear. A child who can visualize the intensity of the fear on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the strongest, may be able to "see" the fear as less intense than first imagined. Younger kids can think about how "full of fear" they are, with being full "up to my knees" as not so scared, "up to my stomach" as more frightened, and "up to my head" as truly petrified.
  • Teach coping strategies. Try these easy-to-implement techniques. Using you as "home base," the child can venture out toward the feared object, and then return to you for safety before venturing out again. The child can also learn some positive self-statements, such as "I can do this" and "I will be OK" to say to himself or herself when feeling anxious. Relaxation techniques are helpful, including visualization (of floating on a cloud or lying on a beach, for example) and deep breathing (imagining that the lungs are balloons and letting them slowly deflate).

The key to resolving fears and anxieties is to overcome them. Using these suggestions, you can help your child better cope with life's situations.

Reviewed by: D'Arcy Lyness, PhD
Date reviewed: November 2007
Originally reviewed by: David B. Sheslow, PhD

2009年6月8日 星期一



作者:採訪整理/張綾玲 出處:親子天下







Q:那麼,哪些是你所謂的「基礎工程」呢?A:譬如「健康」就是一個基礎工程,所以我從小就把孩子丟去學游泳、打跆拳,各種能夠勞累的都要去做。然後是「品格」,包括:守時、懂得承擔責任不逃避。所以我會用六到十年來做,持續的、有態度的去做,花時間和他們聊,了解其中邏輯,但都不給結論,否則他們就失去學習的機會。還有件事情我也和小兒子玩十幾年,就是「認錯」。他小學時曾經偷媽媽的錢買game boy,甚至還搞出兩套聯絡簿來。我常講,你看報紙上或政治人物的行為會發現,他們跟小孩一樣,總是不認錯→說謊→把事情搞大→惹出麻煩→到最後事情就爆了。錯誤不會死,但死的是人錯誤的反應。我就會一次次的跟他談:你覺得事情在哪裡時付出的代價會最小?於是現在他慢慢比較不犯錯,也有勇氣認錯。我所謂的基礎工程,還有「自我思考」與「連結他人」的能力。譬如有天他回家,問我要不要簽署讓判那位燙死親生孩子的父親死刑。我說我不簽,也舉了他自己小時候有次錯把葡萄酒當葡萄汁喝後的胡亂行為說給他聽,希望他了解,沒有一個父親願意殺死自己的孩子。我告訴他,做一個決定,不要只想一個角度,起碼要想兩個。因為大部分青少年的氛圍很小,很容易從眾。我希望他除了會想,也要能夠去連結他人,用很快的速度去感受別人的喜怒哀樂與在乎的事情。唯有這樣,別人也才能感受到你的想法與情感。

